Thursday, March 18, 2010

Bowling and Siblings

Now that I changed the Blog name I am having it redesigned and have a new blog address. I am so excited to have a whole new look. It should be done soon but just not sure when.

Yesterday the kids and I went bowling with some friends. I needed to get us out of the house! With no sun out it is hard to get motivated to want to do anything. We had a great time bowling. The kids are finally at the age where they don't complain about not being the best bowler and beating mom and dad. We have a pretty competitive family and that can make for some not so fun play time. I always tell the kids just to have fun and try to beat your own score not mine. (my daughter beat me on the last game) My son just had to start betting me quarters that he would beat me in frame scores. LOL He lost $1.75 before he stopped. It was great to have him laughing and socializing with us. He is a teen you know so that means we are way uncool.

I have noticed that after our trip to NJ him and his sister seem to get along a lot better. Not sure if it is because dad is gone and he feels he needs to step up being a big brother or just the time that we were away it took them out of there everyday element. They have been spending more time together and doing lots of laughing. I make a point not to mention how great they are doing together because I know that will instantly end that. Hopefully it lasts a while because I enjoy it. Not to say that my teen doesn't still have his grumpy moments and alternating moods- that hasn't changed.

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